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Tuesday, May 21 2024

A dark day for America


A photo (from showing the collapse of the World Trade Center tower:

World Trade Center Collapses coverage of the attack.

A dark day for America. I offer my sympathy and condolences to the victims of this terrible attack in New York, Washington DC, and Pennsylvania. I have been to New York and seen the WTC; it is still difficult to believe that the twin towers are gone.

All is well here in Minneapolis, although the IDS building downtown, the World Trade Center in St Paul, and the Mall of America all shut down late this morning. A number of downtown businesses were shut down, yet local and state government remained open.

Let us not forget the message of Mayor Giuliani and others: New York, and America, are stronger than these terrorists, and we will prevail.

posted by Loki on Tue, 11 Sep 2001 18:43:39 -0500