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Saturday, May 18 2024

Microsoft vs Linux - the new #1 threat


Some more old news...

As reported in the Register back in November, the latest memo to come out of Redmond outlines Microsoft's new sales strategy -- encourage customers moving away from traditional, expensive flavors of UNIX (Solaris, AIX, HP-UX) to Intel/Linux to switch to Windows instead, seemingly at any cost.

Although it appears that MS is wising up and acknowledging Linux (and other free UNIX flavors) as a viable competitor in the server space, they are again focusing on their larger customers. It is the smaller customers, those with only a few servers, that stand to benefit the most from cheap hardware and free software. And you can bet that the MS sales staff won't be cutting those folks a deal any time soon.

posted by Loki on Sun, 16 Dec 2001 22:44:41 -0600